Genetic diversity and selection in Puerto Rican horses
In particular, PRNPB horses share genetic diversity components with New Forest Pony, Tuva, Mongolian and Caspian horses and Florida Cracker.

Brenda Dalton has been involved with the Caspian horse since 1976 and owns the pre-revolution Iranian foundation mare, Shirine.

Genetic Diversity of Persian Arabian Horses and Their Relationship to Other Native Iranian Horse Breeds
The results of this study suggest a rich genetic diversity in the Persian Arabian horses and a clear genetic differentiation with Turkemen and Caspian breeds.

A Nonsynonymous Change in Adhesion G Protein–Coupled Receptor L3 Associated With Risk for Equine Degenerative Myeloencephalopathy in the Caspian Horse
Equine degenerative myeloencephalopathy (EDM), a neurological disease of young horses, causes progressive development of symmetric ataxia predominantly in the pelvic limbs.

Genetic Characterization and Bottleneck Demographic Assessment of Caspian Horse Population
This study was determined the efficiency of microsatellite markers for conservation plans and breeding strategies in Caspian horse population.

Modeling the growth curves for body weight and some biometric traits in Caspian horses (Equus ferus caballus) using non-linear mixed models
The non-linear mixed models were adequate for fitting growth curves of body weight and biometric characters in Caspian horses.

Foundation Caspians
Below are the majority of the foundation stock from which the Caspian breed originates. Imported stock and important first generation stock appear in the Archive section.

ICS Studbook
International Caspian Stud Book established by Louise Firouz when she rediscovered the breed in 1965. First printed officially in the UK in 1978.

Breed Standard
THE CASPIAN HORSE BREED STANDARD General The Caspian is a horse, not a pony, and therefore should be viewed in the same manner as when judging a well-bred horse, that is, the limbs, body and […]

Louise Firouz
By: Ateshe Firouz Louise Laylin Firouz grew up surrounded by horses. She rode to school along forest trails as a child in rural North Virginia. Life on a farm left an indelible impression on the […]